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Rebecca DeWhitt, MBA, COPM-C

Marketing Director

“I’m the go-to person for members in the Northeast if they want to dig into or re-evaluate their marketing strategy.”

Rebecca DeWhitt, MBA, COPM-C


  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Studies, George Fox University
  • Master of Business Administration, Temple University


  • Certification in Otolaryngology Practice Management, ASCENT

I’m a Northwest native who loves hiking, gardening, science fiction and dark chocolate. I joined Fuel Medical Group in 2018 and currently work as the Marketing Director for the Northeast region. My background includes marketing for an early stage start-up, consulting in marketing nationally and internationally and providing training and administrative support for a Philadelphia-based non-profit. Prior to Fuel, I worked primarily in content and brand storytelling, and that’s still an area of interest for me.

I love helping practices and individuals understand who they are and how that connects with what their patients need. I previously served as Fuel’s Manager of Member Engagement, a role in which I sought out opportunities to better engage with and highlight our members to better understand their needs and help connect them to members with similar experiences.

One element about Fuel that I love is that we hire really lovely people. It’s a treat to work with kind, compassionate and hilarious human beings who genuinely care about the work that they do. When I’m not on the clock, you can find me playing with my two kids, exploring the Portland food scene and contemplating the secret life of wombats.

Favorite Spot in Your Territory

I used to live in Philadelphia, and Shane’s Confectionary, the oldest continuously operating candy store in America, is one of my favorite places on earth.

Fun Fact

On study abroad in Peru, I once ate guinea pig brain as part of “Cuy”—the traditional Peruvian dish.

Member Remarks

  • “Kristina, Becca, Leslie, Tori, Jim – All wonderful and easy to work with! FUEL is an incredible group and I would highly recommend their services to anyone that asked!”