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Chris Hands, Training Manager

Tell us a little bit about yourself (i.e., professional background, hobbies, interests, etc.).

    I grew up in medicine. With a family practice doctor as a dad and a nurse as a mom, the medical field has always been an integral part of my life. Eventually, I worked with my dad in his own practice and went from being the paper shredder to his office manager. I have seen first-hand what it takes to run a successful practice and also offer exemplary patient care.

    Hobbies? I am always searching for the best chicken strip. I’m really big on plants, dinosaurs and really bad puns.

    What is the most valuable resource you provide to our members, and what does an average day look like?

    I really do love my job, and I’ll argue it’s one of the coolest jobs at Fuel. At a high level, I provide tools and solutions for support staff around the country to better perform in their jobs, focusing on the soft skills when working with patients and each other. But to me, it’s also about the confidence side of things. I get to empower teams to find value in their jobs and what they do to not only benefit the practice but the patients they work with.

    Tell us something unique about you.

    The things I wrote and deleted … haha. I discovered I have a green thumb and have been working on my plant collection over the last few years.

    What is one thing you cannot live without?

    Ranch. Because I can’t be on a lifelong search for the best chicken strip if I don’t have ranch.