Human Resources

HR Services That Answer the Needs of Your Unique Practice

Many practices don’t require a full-time human resource manager. At Fuel Medical Group, we take a holistic approach to HR that addresses the needs of our practice members at the time they need them. Every single practice faces unique challenges from recruiting in a town with a limited specialized hiring pool to developing the professional skills of employees who haven’t tapped into their full potential. We provide personalized solutions that address these challenges and align employee performance with your practice objectives to achieve a goal-driven culture. 

“When hiring and every day thereafter, your goal should be to integrate your employee into the business, not just the position you’ve hired them for.”

Sarah Laughlin, COPM-CDirector of Human Resources

Strong Performance Management Starts with Your Hiring Strategy

HR and recruitment are inextricably linked. Filling empty positions in your practice isn’t about finding any person who can do the work, it’s about finding the right person. That’s why we work with you to analyze your practice needs before you even consider candidates. 

  • What current employee skill sets are being underutilized?
  • What roles share crossover duties, and when do they interact?
  • Are there additional responsibilities you want a new role to fill in the future?

When you align your hiring strategy with your practice goals, you can open up opportunities for growth that didn’t exist before. 

“HR is uniquely positioned not only to see how people in those organizations are doing from performance and engagement scores but also to understand how talent can influence the future of the business if they are allowed to move outside the box they are given.”

Source: Forbes

Custom HR Solutions Align Your Staff With Your Business Goals

Identifying practice areas where human resources can make a difference typically fall into three key areas; professional development, training and recruiting. Our strategies are built around establishing communication around expectations and protocols, providing the training for employees to succeed and instilling the goals of the business into each of these areas at a foundational level.

Companies with positive cultures have better performance,
productivity and profits than those without.

Source: Society for Human Resource Management

From owner to employee interactions and employee to patient interactions, we help you establish your business goals as cultural touchpoints that don’t have to be consciously considered each day because they’re integrated into how employees function within your practice. The tools we use to accomplish this depend on the needs of the practice, and our toolkit is always evolving.

Human Resources That Maintain Compliance and Match Practice Needs

Every practice is unique, and that’s why the methods we use change so much from member to member. For some practices, we provide individual services to address a specific need like:

  • Recruitment, Orientation, and Retention
    • Job analysis, descriptions, and ads
    • Networking communication tools and interviewing
  • Performance Planning and Improvement
    • Discussion formats and training
    • Engaged Reviews software
  • Employee Relations
    • Provide consultative support
  • Compensation and Benefits Benchmarking using aggregated Fuel data
    • Competitive compensation plan creation using a combination of direct and indirect elements
  • Assist in the communication process to support compliance with regulatory initiatives
    • Handbook reviews, policy samples and recommendations, research and bulletins
  • Provide information and actionable input on human capital management policies and procedures
    • Analysis of turnover and KPI’s

Because employees have to comply with regulatory rules that are unique to their role, our HR services integrate compliance measures into instructional materials and training protocols for individuals.

Regulations that affect the entire practice are revisited across training modules and documentation for all employees. This customization helps your staff to make personal compliance a natural extension of their daily functions.

Working Together To Build Relationships Through Human Resources

Every practice starts in a different position, and their needs change over time. Our human resources services are a long-term commitment to you, your practice and your employees. 

At Fuel Medical Group, we’re a people-first company. It’s a mantra that has helped drive our success, inspiring the kind of employee dedication that’s becoming exceedingly rare in modern business. We want to work with you—to drive your success, and to inspire dedication and excitement in your employees. 

Discover the hidden power of human resources in your practice. Contact us to learn how.