The Value of One More Hearing Aid Evaluation Opportunity

Many practices don’t realize how close they are to significantly better financial performance. Fortunately, growing your practice’s revenue doesn’t have to be complicated—all it takes is making a few tweaks to your business plan for you to start enjoying bigger profits.

Wondering where to start? In Fuel Medical’s “The Value of One More Hearing Aid Evaluation Opportunity” white paper, you’ll discover how adding an additional hearing aid evaluation (HAE) per audiologist per week at your practice can easily add six figures a year to your bottom line.

Implementing Three Cross-Referral Efforts Is Key

While adding one additional HAE per audiologist per week may seem daunting, our white paper makes it easy by focusing on three cross-referral efforts you can use to increase your patient database and reach your goal. These efforts are sustainable protocols designed to target your current audiology patients, your current ENT patients (if applicable) and new potential patients.

In our white paper, you’ll discover specific strategies for building your brand online, in person and with referring physicians to help continuously bring patients through your doors. You’ll also learn how Fuel Medical’s easy startup tools, process improvement guidelines and proven patient marketing and education materials can support your cross-referral efforts. And you’ll get an in-depth look at how the “one more HAE per week per audiologist” strategy can improve a practice’s profits, including real-world examples from Fuel members who have experienced a better bottom line after utilizing these methods.

Whether you’re a solo audiologist or part of a big ENT group, our strategies can work for you. At Fuel Medical, we have seen success scaling our cross-referral efforts for both large and small practices—and we are confident they can be applied to practices of any scope.

The Cost of Doing Nothing

While members who implement these cross-referral efforts have seen growth across the board, those who choose not to take advantage of them will remain stagnant in regard to their revenue. Practices that aren’t growing their patient base and revenue year over year are at a significant disadvantage in today’s rapidly changing health care landscape— and they may jeopardize their ability to continue to operate in the long run.

As a practice owner, you want to do everything you can to protect your practice’s financial future. Using the revenue-boosting strategies outlined in our white paper will ensure your practice can grow, thrive and improve the hearing health of more people in your community. 

Discover how to increase your profits by six figures a year by increasing your weekly HAEs. Get your copy of “The Value of One More Hearing Aid Evaluation Opportunity” white paper here.

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