Tell us a little bit about yourself (i.e., professional background, hobbies, interests, etc.).
American Samoa (sah-moe-ah)
Portland State Grad 2004, BS in Graphic Design
Student Athlete (Football)
Co-founder of the PSU Pacific Islanders Club (2002)
Fuel employee since 2012
Gresham High School Varsity Football Coach (Defensive Coordinator)
Northwest Legends Youth Program (Board Member/Coach)
Danielle’s Sauces Inc.: In 2011, I took over my Aunty Danielle’s sauce company, and we are still growing today.
What is the most valuable resource you provide to our members, and what does an average day look like?
Collaborative & Trustworthy: I incorporate the member’s ideas and thoughts into the design. All member input is valuable during the process. No matter how bizarre their ideas get, I find a middle ground. Showing the member their thoughts were valued on delivery builds trust and strengthens our relationship.
Average Day: Wake up, Kill it at work, Lunch, More killing it at work, Log off, Kids sports, Dinner, Sleep.
Tell us something unique about you.
I can perform the SAMOAN FIRE KNIFE dance—but only if I get a round of applause at the end.
What is one thing you cannot live without?
Homemade chocolate chip cookies!!!