Tell us a little bit about yourself (i.e., professional background, hobbies, interests, etc.).
I’ve been in search engine optimization for over 10 years—moving from a content background into technical SEO about six years back—and have been Fuel’s SEO and Content Manager for the last five. I love making things, so music, cooking and crafts are all a great way to spend an evening.
What is the most valuable resource you provide to our members, and what does an average day look like?
The quality of our department’s deliverables is exceptional. I get to work with incredibly skilled content and SEO specialists every day, and it makes speaking to our members about the service they can expect an easy conversation to have. A typical day depends on what major projects are in the hopper, but it includes some amount of WO management, editing, content production, site analysis and investigation into member queries.
Tell us something unique about you.
Oh dear, look at the time.
What is one thing you cannot live without?
The ability to create things.