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Jeremy Weaver, MBA

Regional Manager

“I strive to take my role as a consultant as seriously as those who own the practice I’m helping. When I tell members that I’m there to help whenever they need me, I mean it.”

Jeremy Weaver, MBA


  • Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Penn State University
  • Master of Business Administration with a Concentration in Healthcare Administration, Wilmington University

My career in business and sales started at the young age of 16 when I became a part-time telemarketer after school. From there, I went on to sell credit cards, mortgages, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. 

I entered the audiology industry over a decade ago when I started working for American Hearing Aid Associates as their head of hospital and university accounts. This was truly a learning experience in so many ways. I quickly fell in love with the industry and the good I could do in it. Getting to see the positive impact I could make on a practice’s financial success, as well as patient outcomes, has become my favorite part of this industry. 

My biggest accomplishment as a regional manager at Fuel Medical has been helping the practice managers, owners and staff become more successful at what they do every day to help patients live better lives. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, watching sports and fishing.

Favorite Spot in Your Territory

Clearwater Beach in Florida, especially during spring training.

Fun Fact      

I’ve been to almost every state and have hiked in over 15 national parks.

Member Remarks

  • “Jeremy and Janet. I could not do this without them!”
  • “Jeremy Weaver and Janet Denman are the best! So grateful for their expertise and services!”
  • “Jeremy Weaver and Janet Denman. I feel very comfortable working with them. They have gotten to know my practice inside and out and its needs. Their work with us is invaluable.”
  • “We are fortunate to have Jeremy Weaver and Janet Denman as our Fuel Managers.  They provide support for our practice in so many ways…some of which I didn’t even know we needed!”