Boost your conversion rate by 13% in just ten minutes with Fuel and Cognivue today.
Tomorrow’s Health Care, Made Possible Today
Though more and more providers are implementing holistic care models and explaining the many comorbidities that hearing solutions combat, the future of truly reaching your patients is simple—changing the conversation to incorporate cognition.
Study after study has proven the link between age-related hearing loss and a more rapid progression of cognitive decline and incidental dementia,[1] and one solution to curbing cognitive decline is hearing aids.[2]
However, when we do change the conversation, we need supporting data and tools to display the impact on their overall health and that their investment in hearing aids is less about the product and more about improving quality of life. Although cognitive decline is a regular talking point among professionals, we have found many providers who struggle to include cognition when educating their patients.
Fuel has a solution to take that conversation to the next level in an exclusive partnership with Cognivue and their cognitive screening device. Through this partnership, new Fuel members receive a complimentary 6-month trial of the Cognivue Thrive™ screener that can increase your conversion rates an average of 13%. As an existing Fuel member, we have another program to help you cover the costs.
What Is Cognivue and How Does It Work?
The marquee Cognivue tool you’ll have access to as a Fuel member is the Thrive™. The Cognivue Thrive™ is a quick, FDA-cleared five-minute cognitive screening test that patients can self-administer right in your practice, adding on average just ten minutes to the hearing aid consultation process.
The Cognivue Thrive™ experience begins with a four-minute introductory video. After the video concludes, the five-minute Cognivue screening immediately begins. At the conclusion of the screening, a one-minute post video automatically plays, explaining what happens next, followed by a printed report of a patient’s results.
Evaluating the three chief cognitive domains—memory, visuospatial and executive function—Cognivue Thrive™ is a powerful tool that provides cognition data that is directly related to hearing. The evaluation of this data helps provide insight into top-down auditory processing and how well the hearing aid will perform with your patient. Thrive™ also measures two speed performance parameters: reaction time and speed processing—keys to overall performance at any age.
Cognivue Thrive™ At-a-Glance:
• Based on FDA-cleared technology used by neurologists and other physicians to screen for cognitive function
• 5-minute self-administered computerized screening
• Test adjusts to capabilities of the patient
• Developed over 15 years of research beginning at NIH’s National Eye Institute

Take Control of Your Patient’s Overall Health & Your Practice’s Success
By refocusing the conversation with your hearing aid candidates around cognitive health, you’ve reinforced the importance of the medical management of hearing loss.
- For patients, Cognivue provides a window into warning signs of serious cognitive issues, providing invaluable early detection info. Patients are then fully equipped to make the right choice on a hearing solution and stave off comorbidities ranging from memory loss to dementia and clinical depression.
- For providers, integrating a device the size of a laptop into an audiological exam to map out a patient’s cognitive health in under ten minutes is a game-changer. Cognivue is just one more tool to showcase to patients the benefits of hearing solutions, leading to better conversions, happier patients and a better bottom line.
Want to learn more about the benefits of Cognivue for your practice? For a limited time, become a member of Fuel Medical today and receive the system free for 6 months. As a current Fuel member, contact your Regional Manager for more information.
[1] Fortunato S, Forli F, Guglielmi V, et al. A review of new insights on the association between hearing loss and cognitive decline in ageing. Ipoacusia e declino cognitivo: revisione della
letteratura._Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2016;36(3):155-166.
[2] Hearing Health Foundation. (2019, April 02). New research shows hearing aids improve brain function and memory in older adults. Retrieved February 02, 2021, from