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Alan Phillips, Account Manager

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Originally from the UK, I’ve lived in the Pacific Northwest since 2002. My parents are here in the USA, though my brother still lives in Britain. My spouse and I have one child, two dogs and a cat. Washington state taught me how to love the outdoors even in the worst weather, so I’ve picked up a lot of hobbies I wouldn’t have had if I had not moved here (e.g., snowboarding).

What do you do at Fuel, and what is the most valuable resource you provide to our members?

I am an account manager. The most valuable resource I provide to our members is a mixture of advice/guidance on marketing initiatives combined with executing a member’s requests and needs, either by myself or by coordinating with Fuel’s vast team of experts in their fields.

What does a typical workday look like for you? 

It’s equal parts “paperwork” and member communications. I speak with most of my members on a weekly basis, so almost every day is peppered with video and phone calls to discuss ongoing and new projects. On top of that, I spend my time creating work orders and editing documents so that Fuel’s various creative and development teams can realize my member’s requests.

What is your professional background?

Before Fuel, I spent eight years working as the marketing coordinator for a small business software consultancy. I was the only member of the company’s marketing department, so I had a hand in all aspects of marketing—SEO, web development, social media management, graphic design, copywriting, sales, training and budgeting. Those years allowed me to hone in on the aspects of marketing I enjoy most, which brought me to Fuel in 2020 as an account manager.

What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have a fun fact about yourself you’d like to share?

I like to split my free time evenly between outdoors and indoors—I enjoy video games, 3D printing and TV shows/movies, but I also like disc golf, hiking and exploring cities/landmarks. My fun fact is that I was once referenced on the local morning news due to accidentally getting both severe sunburns and frostbite after hiking up Mt. Elanor in the wrong gear. Since that embarrassment, I’ve been kind of a stickler for having the right gear whenever I perform specific activities.