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Job Postings/Job Ads

When you have an opening, it’s not always easy to find the time to craft a job posting, get the word out and find the right candidate. Fuel can help you create job descriptions from start to finish, write ad content and develop a job ad placement strategy based on current industry trends.

How Do We Recruit Top Talent?

Fuel is 39% faster at filling advanced practice provider roles than the industry average.

There are three main categories that will assist your practice in gaining exposure for top-qualified candidates:

Practice Outreach

  • Your Team & Network
  • Job Posting on Practice Website
  • Social Pages (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)

Industry Connections

  • AudiologyOnline
  • AAA Hear Careers
  • Associations: ASCENT, AAO-HNS, ADA, ASHA, ASCENT, etc.
  • University Externship Programs

Job Postings

  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Indeed

By implementing a multiple-channel outreach strategy, Fuel can help you expand your reach, build a strong pool of candidates and fill critical positions with top talent more easily.

Analyzing Your Hiring Needs

Interviewing intelligently involves understanding the practice’s needs first. Our expert human resources team works with you to analyze your practice needs before you even consider candidates. We look at a few key points:

  • Future needs
  • Current needs
  • Role responsibilities
  • Crossover duties

Our teams will collaborate on job placement requirements and determine a strategy to fill the role.

Crafting Intelligent Interview Questions

Using our practice analysis, we can craft interview questions specific to your needs. A few potential questions include:

  • What current employee skill sets are being underemployed?
  • What roles share crossover duties, and when do they interact?
  • Are there additional responsibilities you want a new role to fill in the future?

We want to focus both on the skills your candidates bring with them and the ones they can grow within their new role. When you align your hiring strategy with your practice goals, you can open opportunities for growth that didn’t exist before. 

Candidate Screening

It can take between 15 and 50 hours to effectively run a candidate recruitment. When you have a vacancy, you don’t always have time to screen every candidate that applies. Fuel can help take the weight of candidate screening off your shoulders if you:

  • Do not regularly recruit
  • Are not getting the applicants you need
  • Are too busy to run a recruitment

Fuel also provides background checks as part of our comprehensive candidate screening.

Initial Screening via Ad Positioning and Performance

Fuel uses data-driven strategies to put job ads where they are most likely to reach the right candidates. This includes choosing the best job platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) and tailoring the ad content to appeal to the desired candidate profile. We continuously reevaluate the ad strategy to ensure the fastest possible outreach.

Resume Screening by Fuel

Our human resources specialists have extensive experience hiring within the audiology, ENT and allergy spaces. We evaluate resumes for the traits you’re looking for in the perfect candidate, including:

  • Relevant experience
  • Growth potential
  • Technical skills
  • Certifications and education background
  • Organization and attention to detail

By focusing on these key traits during resume screening, our specialists can efficiently identify the most suitable candidates, streamlining the interview process for fast but effective recruitment.  

Compensation Benchmarkings

Compensation is a crucial part of the hiring process. It can give your ideal candidate the final push into or away from your practice. Fuel offers a holistic approach to compensation. We can help you promote data-backed compensation packages and determine where and when to integrate benefits into your job offer.

Data-Backed Compensation

It’s easier to negotiate a fair salary when you have the data to back up your numbers. At Fuel, we combine data from our own surveys and other industry sources with an understanding of candidate compensation perceptions to help you strike the right balance.

Nondirect Compensation Elements

Base salary is only one part of the compensation discussion. Our specialists can help you emphasize non-direct compensation elements like healthcare, flexible working schedules, career advancements, education stipends and more to strengthen your offer.  

Salary Negotiations

We work with you to create answer tracks to some of the most asked compensation questions. With a little preparation, you can feel prepared and confident in your compensation knowledge and ability to reach an amicable agreement that’s beneficial to your new employee and the long-term success of your practice.