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In Your Community

Promotional Products

Promotional products can positively influence patient opinion when branding across products is uniform. That continuity sends an impactful message about how a practice regards details because from a patient perspective – how you treat your brand parallels how you treat your patients.

Branding To Your Standard

Our in-house branding team works with you to create a comprehensive guideline sheet, logos, and additional design elements that complement and amplify your branding standards.

Use Cases

  • Community outreach
  • In-office branded materials
  • Company celebrations
  • Staff appreciation
  • Patient appreciation

Available Products

We work with a trusted local manufacturer right here in Camas to provide you with discounted rates on a nearly limitless range of products, and our regional team can help you identify the most impactful options to increase brand recognition and reach both inside and outside of the office.

Logo and Branding Packages

Your practice logo is at the core of your visual brand. A well-designed logo and branding package serve as the face of your practice, creating a strong visual identity that patients can easily recognize and trust. Consistent branding across various platforms, from signage to digital media, can foster brand recognition and strengthen your practice’s overall reputation. It may also differentiate your practice from its competitors and create patient loyalty.

Our entirely in-house Creative team can help you establish consistent branding from start to finish, including ideation from scratch or refresh and redesigns.

Use Cases:

  1. Office signage
  2. Practice website & digital properties
  3. Marketing collateral
  4. Print documentation

Our team can work with new or existing brands to conceive logo creation, establish your primary and secondary colors and offer sub-branding for individual specialties.

Align Your Culture and Brand

Beyond the visuals, your people, culture and overall patient experience represent your brand. If you haven’t established your core values, our professional development team can assist with brand and culture alignment to ensure a consistent patient experience.

Physician Referral

A strong physician referral network is one of the best ways to meet new patients who are already working with a trusted physician. Building a network also allows you to expand the reach of your practice in the community without the need for additional physical infrastructure while providing an exceptional ROI.

Our knowledgeable team can assist by designing a physician referral program from start to finish. This includes identifying local healthcare providers, creating support materials, and assist with additional touchpoints.

Use Cases:

  1. Analysis of current referring physician databases
  2. Local market research for referral prospecting
  3. Physician list purchasing to broaden referral reach

Referral Collateral Types

Our design team can create branded collateral for your practice.

  • Practice brochure
  • Referral pads
  • Referral fact sheets
  • Physician thank-you cards
  • Branded physician thank-you gifts

Community Events/Sponsorships

Community events allow you to embrace and extend your core values outside of your practice. Community involvement, including sponsorships of local organizations, shows potential patients the care and attention you extend to the community. It is a glance at how their experience will unfold as a patient.

Community Tools

Fuel can provide your practice with all the necessary tools to create an impactful connection with your community.

  • Branded, promotional marketing materials for your table or booth
  • Signage
  • Handouts
  • Educational talking points
  • Materials to help raise awareness around health issues relevant to your patients

Non-profit Partnerships

If promoting health and well-being in your community is important to you, partnering with a non-profit can help you effectively reach the patients who would benefit the greatest from your contributions.  

Your Community Advantage

At Fuel, we can utilize our extensive network to help pair you with local non-profit organizations. Providing hearing access to those who need it the most can take many forms. Some events we’ve helped setup include:

  • Donation drives to collect repairable used hearing aids
  • Hearing aid giveaways to community members
  • Mobile or on-site hearing testing
  • Local awareness seminars

Earned Media

Practice and brand exposure is essential for building patient connection and loyalty. Potential patients want to understand how you and your practice commit to patient care and health.

Broadcast Your Accomplishments

Fuel can assist you with publicizing your most impactful work in healthcare, including:

  • Researching and writing press releases
  • Connecting you with publications representing your core values

Public Speaking Engagements

Speaking engagements provide both personal and professional benefits. Speaking directly to the public allows you to share your passion for healthcare in a direct and meaningful way. The right speaking engagement can also support business growth, providing valuable practice and practitioner mentions across different media platforms.

Speak To Your Passion

We can identify speaking engagements across different practice verticals, both at the local and national level from news media to industry events and lecture opportunities.

Our team works with you to identify your goals and values so we can provide complementary engagement opportunities that further your mission. We can provide anything from application assistance to directly working with planners on your behalf, depending on the engagement.  

Engagement Types:

  • Public health events
  • Local media
  • Industry events
  • Organizational events
  • Higher education