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5 Ways Call Tracking Data Helps Make Your Practice More Profitable

Call tracking is a valuable tool primarily used to help measure the success of marketing campaigns. But the benefit of these recorded messages goes far beyond the return on investment of your advertising spend. If you’re not actively listening to the calls, you’re missing out on an opportunity to fine-tune every patient touchpoint that will ultimately lead to more treatment opportunities, billable services and satisfied patients.

Here are five ways that call tracking data can help make your practice more profitable.

1 – Evaluates the Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns

Call tracking allows you to clearly attribute marketing efforts to results. It provides a better understanding of your audience by analyzing which marketing tactics are getting people to pick up the phone. This data provides direction for future calls to action, messaging, ad placement, direct mail packaging and timing. Insights like this can help streamline your marketing to focus on the most effective advertising channels.

Data Insight: Effective ads turn into better quality leads.

2 – Analyzes the Quality of Your Leads

You can learn a lot about the messaging of your ads by the questions people ask. Are you hitting the right demographic? Including pertinent details? Addressing the most commonly asked questions? Call analytics provide valuable insight that identifies the callers’ intention and the result – like actual appointments set, genuine leads, missed opportunities or requests to be removed from future mailing lists. This data enables you to take a closer look at the population your message is reaching.

Data Insight: Better quality leads turn into more appointment opportunities.

3 – Identifies Phone Training Opportunities

A phone call is often the first live encounter a person has with your practice. That call can set the tone for the relationship and determine whether a caller will become a patient or move on to a competitor. Call tracking is an effective way to evaluate the phone skills of your front office staff and provides an opportunity to highlight those areas where improvement or training would be beneficial. You’ll be able to evaluate each staff member’s overall effectiveness and pinpoint any lead-quality or call-handling issues, enabling you to set up coaching sessions to improve call conversion rates. Those employees with exceptional telephone skills can be used to train and mentor others who require a little help.

Data Insight: More booked appointments lead to more treatment plan opportunities.

4 – Provides Insight into Provider Strengths and Weaknesses

The most valuable step to your practice in a patient’s journey is their acceptance to receive treatment. Most often, that acceptance falls on the skills of your providers and confidence in presenting their recommendation, which often includes a large purchase. Your providers didn’t get into the medical field to sell devices, so it’s understandable that there is hesitation when it comes to discussing costly options. But just as there is value in training patient care coordinators to get appointments booked, there is equal importance to training providers on the value of their professional services and their approach to presenting options to their patients.

Data Insight: More treatment plan opportunities lead to more billable services.

5 – Reveals Missed Revenue Opportunities

All of the data provided by call tracking can be analyzed to determine what phases in a patient’s journey could use a little fine-tuning. We all value continued education and learning opportunities, especially when it builds our confidence and leads to professional success. Use the information to create staff training that focuses on the ultimate goal – a positive patient experience that turns into a successful treatment plan.

Data Insight: More billable services leads to more revenue for your practice.