
Telehealth Solutions Built to Benefit Your Patients and Your Practice

If you’re not adopting some form of a telehealth strategy, you’re shutting the door on much more than the evolution of your patient experience. Not only do many patients prefer telehealth options over in-office visits for many services, but it can reduce operating costs, fill scheduling gaps and improve your patient’s continuum of care.

At Fuel, we specialize in telehealth solutions that align your unique patient journey with your bottom line.

Patients reported that telehealth visits resolved their concerns 85% of the time, versus just 64% of the time for brick-and-mortar appointments.

Source: American Well

It’s Time to Upgrade Your Patient Engagement

However you and your team are implementing your new normal, digital telehealth updates to your practice provide a more seamless experience for your patients. Video appointments make follow-up simple and are often less stressful for the patient making virtual care a beneficial way to provide ongoing care at a distance.

Fuel can help:

  • Train your staff on how to deliver a best-in-class telehealth appointments
  • Market your new services to your patients, staying true to your culture and brand
  • Strategize what services you and your team are best equipped to offer

“The start of the pandemic forced people to accept telehealth. The length of the pandemic has made them like telehealth. Practices who don’t have this option will look out of date.”

Rose DuLude, Ph.D., CCC-A, FAAADirector of Audiology

Stay Compliant With Our Crisis Task-Force

Between reimbursement debates and constantly changing Medicare and Medicaid protocols, it can be easy to lose track of what telehealth financials actually look like. We’ve done all the research to bring your practice up to code, helping you to choose the right platforms and technology to remain in compliance and protect your patient’s health information where telehealth and regulation intersect.

The state in which you practice may have consent regulations in
place. Fuel can help you navigate informed consent options, as well.

Push Your Operations Into the Future of Growth

Limited patient flow because of a pandemic? Trying to bring in the same revenue while working at 80% capacity? Our telehealth solutions are quick and easy to implement. From exclusive partnerships with remote-program compatible hearing devices to creating scripts for logical medical choices, we have a playbook of actionable telehealth solutions to:

  • Cut patient costs
  • Reduce practice overhead
  • Increase practice revenue
  • Expand your model of care

How Is Your Practice Leveraging Telehealth?

It’s a brave new world for delivering health services using technology. New tools can completely change the way you operate, keep the books balanced and deliver care. Don’t get left behind. With Fuel’s expert team of consultants, we’ll ensure you’re ready for the future of health care while preserving the patient experience that’s made your practice what it is today. 

Contact Fuel to learn how we can weave telehealth solutions into your business growth strategy.