How To Implement Lessons From Conferences Into Your Professional Life

With several conferences just wrapping up, it’s been a busy time in the audiology and ENT industries. After these events, there is often a moment of excitement about everything you’ve just learned, but when you get back to the office, it’s easy to return to old routines or struggle implementing new ideas. Here are steps you can take to integrate the knowledge you’ve gained at conferences into your day-to-day work life.

Organize What You Learned

Reflect on your time at the conference and read through any notes you took or paperwork you received. List the ideas you would like to see implemented at work and categorize them based on what you can do yourself and what would be a team effort or practice-wide change.

Set Personal Goals

For projects you can complete on your own, set clear goals with actionable 30-, 60- and 90-day steps. Incorporate calendar reminders so you can track your progress.

Engage the Team

For group initiatives, pick one project to start with. Identify the key stakeholders, or whose buy in you will need, and think about which teammates and/or managers can help push your project forward. Initiating change can be challenging. Having a few teammates in your corner to problem solve with can make all the difference.

Break Projects Down Into Manageable Steps

Whether you’re working on a project on your own or with a group, break it down into smaller steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Focusing on one step at a time will make the project feel more manageable.

Not sure where to start on a project? Consider getting coffee with a co-worker as a first step. Your co-worker might be able to help you lay out a plan.

For more information about how to make the most of your time at conferences and other continuing education events, visit Fuel Medical’s resource library.

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